Saddle Bag and Buffalo Print

TEE- GAP // SKIRT- Chicwish c/o // BAG- Thrifted (similar) // BELT- old // SHOES- Old Navy (similar) // EARRINGS- Nickel and Suede (Signature Silver Cut Outs-large) // BRACELETS- Wrenn Jewelry 
Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney

While we were on vacation- something happened and Missouri suddenly remembered what real Midwest Summer's are supposed to feel like. Until now we've had lots of rain and cool-ish temps- but we came back to humid, muggy, and stale weather. It's hot. And my ability to wear jeans is suffering. I'm just thankful for a working AC and a refrigerator that makes me as much crushed ice as I can chomp. 

The worst part of being in depths of Summer heat, is that right now I'm ready to start thinking Fall. I'm always ready to bust out some kind of boots by August and the Anniversary Sale isn't helping with that. My Fall closet is staring me in the face and the most I can do is play dress up at home. I tease my husband when he plays dress up with his mountain climbing gear- but right now I understand his situation a bit more. If he gets new boots or a new jacket or new bibs for climbing- he'll wear them around the house and try them out at home. It's funny to me and I make fun of him, but now I'm doing the same thing with sweaters and boots. Neither of us can actually put them to use, so we just have to pretend. 

So how to enjoy the now? There are a few more things we need to do this Summer, including more swimming, the zoo, camping, and playing with as many friends as we can before school starts. I think I'll get to planning on those things and pray my ankles don't start swelling before the cooler temps come back!

What do you have left to do this Summer? I'd love some more ideas too! 


  1. Hopefully your ankles can hold out:)
    We love all those things but also make sure to get in as much berry picking as possible for making pies, jams, fresh eating (Bluberries, Cherries etc) before we go straight into apple picking in our yard! Love harvesting our own fruits!
    Summer into Fall is my favorite time, for sure. And I just bought material (thinking Fall, too) to make some scarves and a poncho- one, using your tutorial! Tartan plaids and Aztec I come! Thanks for such great ideas:)


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  3. Great ensemble!! Live the skirt!

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