Sunday Style- Pencil Skirt and Lace Maternity Style

SWEATER- Nordstrom // SKIRT- GAP // SHOES- Forever 21 (similar) // EARRINGS- N&S Signature Silver large // WATCH- Daniel Wellington
Happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying some gorgeous Fall weather and this fabulous time of year. We spent time as a family outside raking leaves, barbecuing and riding bikes and although it heated up in the afternoons, we can't complain about our weather.

On Saturday night I attended General Women's Conference and let me tell you how nice was to attend a church meeting without kids! Granted I love taking my kids to church, but this meeting was for women all over the world to hear messages from our church leaders. I love that their messages were specifically directed toward women and I feel like I really got what I needed out of the meeting. 

Lately I've been struggling with being really critical of other people and with focusing too much on unimportant and minor frustrations on a daily basis. Basically I walk around on edge and avoiding people all day long. Okay- not quite, but it feels like it! I was reminded in meetings this weekend that a good friend is willing to see your good qualities and ignore your weak ones. And its true- the people who treat me that way are my favorite people. I can choose do that for people too! It's amazing how much it all comes back to what we choose to focus on in life. Do I focus on the wonders and miracles of life? Or do I choose to ignore them? God created us to have joy and if we trust in Him and have faith in his perspective, he'll help us to notice the good in life and in other people. I highly recommend the meeting- all of the messages were super uplifting and you can watch them all here. 

Next weekend is our General Conference for the entire world, when our family will be tuning in to hear more messages from the prophet and apostles all weekend. I always look forward to the messages we hear and the chance to talk with and teach my kids more about Christ and the scriptures. I'd definitely invite you to watch, listen or read the messages that will be broadcast next Saturday and Sunday- I promise you'll take away something that will make you feel better and want to be better. I always do.


  1. I love this post. I also attended the meeting and I wish I was listening better. I have found myself worrying about many things as of late and I need to be better at trusting God and have faith that he will lead me and my family to happiness and I didn't realize that this is what I needed to do until this post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Have a good week Kilee.

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  3. I like this a lot. Thank you for sharing. I'm always looking for upcycles like this. In the end, you don't know it was a shipping pallet to begin with! Schindlers List Quotes


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