Being a Mom Makes Me Better

SWEATER- Nordstrom // TEE- GAP // PANTS- A Pea In A Pod // SHOES- Free People // BAG- Lily Jade // EARRINGS- N&S Cognac Cut Out large
Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney
I think I've mentioned it before, but one of my favorite things about being a mom is how much it pushes me to be better. My kids are such great motivators and I love seeing that in action. I'm willing to work harder, go farther and push myself outside of my comfort zone because of my boys. One easy example is being pregnant. I'm so not a fan and I think this may be my most uncomfortable end of pregnancy to date. But adding another little one to our family is infinitely worth it- so I'm not only carrying on at almost 38 weeks (like I have another choice), but I'm expecting to do this whole thing again in another year or two. 
Another example is how we spent this past weekend. On Friday Soren and I made a full day road trip to purchase more leather for our company. It was a really long and tiring day. But Saturday wasn't for lazing around and recovering. It was the last day of a local knight festival which we were planning on taking Kesler to for his 5th birthday. I wasn't about to let him miss it on account of me so I packed us a lunch and all of our things and we drove out to spend the day walking around and celebrating with him. At about 5 pm my body was DONE, but the day wasn't done so I just did my best to keep a happy face and enjoy the rest of evening with my family at dinner and Cabellas. Now I'm not saying I shouldn't try to give myself a break or rest, but I certainly chose to keep going because of Kesler and my other two boys. They deserve to have a Mom that is present and keeping up with them- so that is what I'm trying to do.
One other example is something that is probably as monumental as it gets as far as life choices. For the first five to seven years of our marriage, we had it rough. We fought a lot and found it hard to really see the best in each other. I was always getting my feelings hurt and nagging and Soren was a little too honest and a little too sharp. It was hard to know if things would ever get better and as much as I hate to say it, I wondered why I had even married him sometimes. It seemed like we were so not a match and were never going to be. But we had Easton. And then Kesler. And they are what gave me the motivation and the courage to keep trying as a couple. 
I knew that I had made promises Soren and to God when I got married, but when it really came down to it- I knew that divorce would never be an option because of my kids. I could. not. do that to them. They deserve to have a Mom and Dad that love each other and a happy family life, so I had to keep trying. And making changes in myself. And working on things with Soren. We did marriage counseling. I read books. I prayed. And slowly things got better. And better. And better. 
And things are better now for Soren and I than they have ever been. In the last few years we've really come to admire our differences and use them to make our marriage, our business and our lives better. We definitely see how great of a match we are and although we still disagree at times- it's healthy. We compromise and everything is better for it- including our family life. 
Every couple and relationship is different, but I know our differences were something that we overcame. We stuck it out and worked it out and I'm so thankful that we did. Marriage and family life aren't easy, but they are so worth it. My kids are worth it, my husband is worth it, and our new baby is worth it. 
How do your kids or your family push you to be better? Do you find this is the case for you too?

PS- We are giving away one of these amazing Lily Jade diaper bags and a $100 credit on Instagram and on FB today. Be sure to enter before the day is over!


  1. What a bummer, I don't have instagram or facebook.
    This is an awesome post. It is nice to reflect back and see your own personal growth, especially within a relationship. Makes you realize that all the hard work is really worth it.

  2. Thank you for your honesty in this post. I have a good friend that is going through some difficult things in her marriage and is ready to throw in the towel. She has two little ones and I know her husband is doing everything he can to improve, and I just want to tell her, "Just keep trying! It can get better!" I have to figure out a way to get her to read your post without it being too obvious as to why I'm sending it. ;-)

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Soren and being a couple, because I have quite the same feelings lately: Being parents AND a couple is a big challenge. At the moment I think we are not handling it very well. But your post shows me to keep working on it, because it is worth.

  4. Kilee I just love your posts. It's so true isn't it - Marriage is hard work and I think even the most aligned couples run into some rough patches but I am so proud of you for keeping it going and wanting to honor families. Thank you for being an amazing person and for showing the world that families can be forever. God bless you!

  5. Hi Kilee!
    I'm new to your blog but I'm really loving your posts! Thank you so much for sharing about your marriage. It really hit home with me. Especially the part about it being the first 5-7yrs of your marriage! It gives me hope for mine as we are struggling right now but also have 2 kids who remind us that it's worth the effort to keep working at our marriage each and every day! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
    ~ Laura


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