Checking in with a Bumpdate

SWEATER- Urban Outfitters // PANTS- A Pea In The Pod // SHOES- TJ Maxx (similar) // BAG- Lily Jade // EARRINGS- N&S Cognac Cut Out large

Well, we're one week closer to my November 4 due date. And although I'm not crazy about constantly involving you in the details of this pregnancy, I thought it would be fun to throw out a pregnancy update at this point. Almost there. Almost there. 

How far along: 37 weeks

Baby’s size: About 6.5 lbs or the size of Swiss chard (?!?)

Total weight gain/loss: Not checking. No clue. 

Maternity clothes: Mostly. Apparently I wear giant clothes normally because a lot of my over sized sweaters from last year fit now.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: This is the toughest part of pregnancy right now for me. I'm not sleeping well so I kind of dread going to bed. I usually start in my bed and then at about 4 am I end up sleeping on the couch. 

Best moment this week: The baby's car seat came and we made a lot of progress on the nursery. It feels like things are coming together! 

Miss Anything? Bending over. Easy movement. Sleeping. 

Movement: TONS. This little guy is my most active baby yet. He moves and punches and flips around all of the time. It's painful at times!

Food cravings: Crunchy yellow peaches- they can't be too ripe. Cherry Twizzlers. Cinnamon raisin toast. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Just eating too much cereal before bed. 

Gender: A boy. And no, we don't have a name picked yet. We have one option that we both like- but if it doesn't work out- we don't even have a short list to work from. Unfortunately neither of us want to deal with thinking about it right now so we're just avoiding it until this little guy arrives. 

Labor Signs: Lots of contractions, but this baby hasn't dropped yet. 

Belly Button in or out? Just flat. 

Wedding rings on or off? On. My ankles and feet swell sometimes, but mostly the swelling has stayed down. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: It really depends. I think stress is still getting the best of me and I'm kind of turning into a control freak when it comes to the house and other arenas that I think I can micromanage. 

Looking forward to: A shorter to-do list before baby arrives. Baby arriving. Not being pregnant anymore. 

Are you expecting or due this next month too? How are you feeling? What are you craving?


  1. Due on the 26th nov but booked to be induced on the 17th because I got a big fat fail on the diabetes test :( I swore I wasn't going to wish this pregnancy away but I'm counting down the days to meet this little man now!

  2. We're due at the exact same time, and a big-ol'-yes to dreading bedtime! I LOVE bedtime normally, but now it's just the beginning of a horrible night of not being comfortable, having to pee, and wishing for morning.

    I feel like my belly is 4 times the size of yours, but I am definitely still fitting in non-maternity sweatshirts and sweaters long as the tank underneath is long enough to cover my belly. Although my 6yo did say to me the other day, "Uh, Mom, you're stretching out all your shirts," LOL!

  3. You're so close! I'm at 31 weeks and I'm getting antsy. Bending down and putting on shoes is rough! I also feel like an led wman when I get out of bed in the morning.

  4. My due date is Oct 28th!!! I know exactly how you feel, especially with bending over and picking up things. THE WORST. Also my 19 month old can now run faster than my waddle 🙈 and heartburn is keeping me up at night. Other than that, I looove being pregnant but I can't wait for him to be here and not be in pain anymore!!!

  5. I am due Nov 5 with scheduled csection for Oct 30. Nearing the end of pregnancy is such a bittersweet time!

  6. Where is that white undershirt you're wearing from? Trying to find long tees like that that I can wear with black leggings! Since normal pants don't fit anymore. I also signed up for Stitch Fix Maternity so hoping to get an infuse of wearable items soon!

  7. Just coming out of the first trimester, due in April! I wish I had the motivation to dress as well as you have, you look so cute! Maybe this next trimester...

  8. Aw, you're so the cutest little momma! Im 35 weeks and found myself nodding in agreement to most of your responses. This is my first pregnancy with a girl, though, and I have to say that I haven't felt nearly as good as I did with my boys. Lots of food aversions through the whoooole pregnancy!


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