A New Tool for My Mommy Toolbox- the Oto







Photo credit- Sarah Sweeney
As a mom I hate when my kids get sick. I really do. But I also hate making doctor's appointments and over reacting when someone doesn't feel well or gets hurt.

Soren is the one at our house that gets really worked up when someone gets a rash or a cut or a bug bite or when someone won't stop fussing when they don't feel well. He thinks I'm crazy, but I rarely flip out and I'm much more likely to pull out the Tylenol or the Cortisone cream and see how things look in a few hours. I don't like not knowing what's wrong, but I don't like to cry wolf at the doctor! So when CellScope approached me about a product they designed for moms like me, I was seriously excited.

Introducing the Oto. The Oto is a smart device that transforms your iPhone into an ear checker tool. Dream come true right?!? The Oto allows parents to capture a video of their child’s eardrum and get an immediate answer about a possible problem from a trusted pediatrician right to their phone. Instead of going to the doctor because your baby has been fussy for a few days and you think it could be an ear infection, you can first get a doctor's opinion at home. You'll know before you set an appointment whether things are serious and you may find out you don't even need to go in. You can also choose to monitor an ear infection from home to possibly avoid antibiotics.

CellScope sent me an Oto to try and although none of my kiddos were down and out this week, we did a test run of the exam and learned about the Seymour app that works with the Oto. Baker did a great job and held surprisingly still. Although when he really does have a possible ear infection I'm sure I'll need Soren to help hold him while I do the 'exam'.

​The Seymour app is the app that connects you with their network of board certified pediatricians. Seymour allows parents to share an ear video captured with the Oto for an evaluation in under 2 hours. You can also ask Seymour’s doctor network about nonear related concerns (skin rash, allergies, diaper rash, warts, pinkeye.) Living in Missouri we have a lot of bugs and irritating plants so rashes and bites are a real thing at our house, especially in the Summer.

The app was really easy to use. You just create a profile for your kiddo and select what concern you will be taking a picture or video of. If you are scoping the ear the app has a great guide to help you see exactly what the doctor's need to see. You can always retake the photo or video as well. The first health concern that you submit is free and then each submission afterwards is $10- which is so much cheaper than a false alarm doctor's appointment!

This device certainly isn't going to take the place of our family doctor, nor should it, but I do think it could be really helpful when time is tight (always!) and we aren't sure what is going on with one of our little guys. If your kiddo gets frequent ear infections or you are (or are married to) a big worrier, this might be just the thing to give you some peace of mind.

The app is free and the Oto is only $79. Plus you can use code ONELITTLEMOMMA to get 15% off your Oto purchase.

I'm excited to have this tool in my mom healthcare toolbox and I hope this is helpful for you too. I am constantly amazed at the technology that is out there and I love when something so smart comes my way so that I can share it with you too.


*I was compensated for this post, but my opinions and excitement are all my own.


  1. So can you see the image without submitting it to the company for a charge? Since I have an in-home expert but not an otoscope. That would be a lot cheaper than buying one.

    1. Hello! This is Cordelia from CellScope. Yes! You can review the ear image yourself and even email it to a spouse or your own doctor.

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  4. My life became devastated when my husband sent me packing, after 8 years that we have been together. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to make my husband take me back. One day at work, i was absent minded not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat and asked me what its was all about i told him and he smiled and said that it was not a problem. I never understand what he meant by it wasn't a problem getting my husband back, he said he used a spell to get his wife back when she left him for another man and now they are together till date and at first i was shocked hearing such thing from my boss. He gave me an email address of the great spell caster who helped him get his wife back, i never believed this would work but i had no choice that to get in contact with the spell caster which i did, and he requested for my information and that of my husband to enable him cast the spell and i sent him the details, but after two days, my mom called me that my husband came pleading that he wants me back, i never believed it because it was just like a dream and i had to rush down to my mothers place and to my greatest surprise, my husband was kneeling before me pleading for forgiveness that he wants me and the kid back home, then i gave Happy a call regarding sudden change of my husband and he made it clear to me that my husband will love me till the end of the world, that he will never leave my sight. Now me and my husband is back together again and has started doing pleasant things he hasn't done before, he makes me happy and do what he is suppose to do as a man without nagging. Please if you need help of any kind, kindly contact Happy for help and you can reach him via email: happylovespell2@gmail.com

  5. My life became devastated when my husband sent me packing, after 8 years that we have been together. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to make my husband take me back. One day at work, i was absent minded not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat and asked me what its was all about i told him and he smiled and said that it was not a problem. I never understand what he meant by it wasn't a problem getting my husband back, he said he used a spell to get his wife back when she left him for another man and now they are together till date and at first i was shocked hearing such thing from my boss. He gave me an email address of the great spell caster who helped him get his wife back, i never believed this would work but i had no choice that to get in contact with the spell caster which i did, and he requested for my information and that of my husband to enable him cast the spell and i sent him the details, but after two days, my mom called me that my husband came pleading that he wants me back, i never believed it because it was just like a dream and i had to rush down to my mothers place and to my greatest surprise, my husband was kneeling before me pleading for forgiveness that he wants me and the kid back home, then i gave Happy a call regarding sudden change of my husband and he made it clear to me that my husband will love me till the end of the world, that he will never leave my sight. Now me and my husband is back together again and has started doing pleasant things he hasn't done before, he makes me happy and do what he is suppose to do as a man without nagging. Please if you need help of any kind, kindly contact Happy for help and you can reach him via email: happylovespell2@gmail.com

  6. fix your marriage and relationship after a divorce or breakup right now no matter how hopeless your situation seems, read my testimony. My Name is Wendy Owen, I'm From UK. I was hurt and heart broken when a very big problem occurred in my marriage seven months ago, between me and my husband . so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the Email address of the spell caster whom he visited. Templeofloveandprosperity@gmail.com. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past 7 months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there if you have any problem contact Dr Frank Ojo, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you.. Email him at: Templeofloveandprosperity@gmail.com , Thank you sooooo much!!!

  7. My life became devastated when my husband sent me packing, after 8 years that we have been together. I was lost and helpless after trying so many ways to make my husband take me back. One day at work, i was absent minded not knowing that my boss was calling me, so he sat and asked me what its was all about i told him and he smiled and said that it was not a problem. I never understand what he meant by it wasn't a problem getting my husband back, he said he used a spell to get his wife back when she left him for another man and now they are together till date and at first i was shocked hearing such thing from my boss. He gave me an email address of the great spell caster who helped him get his wife back, i never believed this would work but i had no choice that to get in contact with the spell caster which i did, and he requested for my information and that of my husband to enable him cast the spell and i sent him the details, but after two days, my mom called me that my husband came pleading that he wants me back, i never believed it because it was just like a dream and i had to rush down to my mothers place and to my greatest surprise, my husband was kneeling before me pleading for forgiveness that he wants me and the kid back home, then i gave Happy a call regarding sudden change of my husband and he made it clear to me that my husband will love me till the end of the world, that he will never leave my sight. Now me and my husband is back together again and has started doing pleasant things he hasn't done before, he makes me happy and do what he is suppose to do as a man without nagging. Please if you need help of any kind, kindly contact Happy for help and you can reach him via email: happylovespell2@gmail.com


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