Spring Plaid and an Update

Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney 

Happy Monday! We are just coming off of a much needed weekend where we stepped away from work and all of the stress and decisions surrounding that. We try not to work on the weekends, especially Sunday, but it's almost impossible to turn off our brains and emails and conversations between Soren and I about things related to Nickel & Suede. But this weekend we had friends from college come into town and stay with us for a few days. And it was so refreshing! We hardly talked business and instead did normal people things like going to a baseball game and talking kids, life, politics and religion. It was just what I needed.

I've been trying to sit down and write a post about the last few weeks, but honestly I've been struggling. I'm not feeling motivated to blog or to sit down and dump because these last few weeks have been really heavy. I've been running on very little sleep because of Baker's leg and his cold and falling back into old bad sleeping habits. So I'm tired. And I'm going back and forth between being really optimistic and then feeling really stressed. And then trying to keep life for the kids and our family going and happy. Mom carries everyone sometimes right? If you don't follow me anywhere but here, the building that we were renovating to move our business into collapsed two weeks ago. And Baker broke his leg. So tragedy, unexpected life adjustments and lots of extra things requiring my time and attention have popped up lately.

So while dumping here on the blog is super therapeutic for me, I'm not quite there yet. I hope I can find more time this week and that things will come back to somewhat of a new normal. 

I am confident that things are looking up and that we'll be led in the right directions, but there is something to be said for letting yourself feel the stress and mourn things that are lost while still maintaining hope in what's to come. 


  1. Hi Kilee,
    I can't say I can relate to your current situation, it sounds like a lot and I don't think I'd be able to handle all of it with such grace! I have 1 kid and another on the way, but I'm sure I would break down if I were in your shoes. You're truly an inspiration, and your blog is so uplifting to read. Hang in there!
    Katie in San Francisco


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