The Best Parts

SHIRT (similar, similar) // PANTS (similar) // BOOTS (similar) // CLUTCH // SUNNIES
PC- Sarah Sweeney

We're back from our family reunion vacation, and the reality of life is setting in a bit. It was a long week of traveling between two family reunions, and with four kiddos it never actually feels like a vacationmore like a regular trip. But we did have a great trip, and it was so nice to introduce my boys to family members they had never met and to spend time with everyone, especially my grandparents. They are all living (ALL FOUR), so we really got to see everyone. 

The highlights of the trip were different for everyone. I think Soren would say that eating at In-N-Out multiple times and rock climbing up Rock Canyon with my brothers were his favorite parts. Easton, Kesler, and Knox might say the water park and the aquarium were the best parts. And my favorite part was unexpectedly...heartwarming? (It feels weird to admit that.) 
Near the end of our trip, we were staying with my grandma on my mom's side, and I was getting ready for the day. Soren was climbing, so we couldn't leave until he got back. My mom called me into my grandma's bathroom, and they both asked me about Grandma's foundation. Did it look too dark? Why did it look weird? What should she do? She decided to wash it all off, and Mom volunteered me to do Grandma's makeup. I hesitated a bit but decided to give it my best shot.
My grandmother is one of my favorite relatives, and a few years ago she was diagnosed with Parkinson's. This trip was the first time I had really seen her since she got sick, and it was tough. She has to use a walker now and even though I think of her as this young, capable woman, she physically isn't anymore. She can't do a lot, but it seems like she should still be able to, ya know? She's only in her late 70s. So I spent the better part of an hour going through her makeup bag, helping her choose what to keep and what to toss, and then applying her makeup for her. It was such a treat. We found that she had many of the right colors and products, but she also had a lot of the wrong ones. I ended up leaving my blush and my beauty blender with her to use, and the final result was awesome. You could tell she looked and felt so great. She then even asked me for help with her hair, and I was able to give her some tips. Serving her in that way was out of my comfort range for just a second, but it really was one of the most rewarding parts of the trip. We made a memory, and it was a good one. I even drew out a diagram for her to use for applying her makeup after I left so that she can continue to practice. I'll never forget that time we spent together. 
Today's outfit is all from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, which is still going strong. This top is sold out, but there are several other great black and white plaid options still in stock that I'll link to below. I am loving this plaid color combo this year, and it was actually hard for me to narrow down which black & white shirt to grab for myself! These jeans and boots ARE still in stock, which is amazing because so many other things have sold out. I've also linked some very similar items at different price points below. Let me know if you have any questions about fit or opinions for narrowing your selection down in the comments or on IG. Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Adore your hair here (love the outfit too!) x

  2. That is so sweet how you helped your grandma. That must have meant the world to her (and to you).

  3. Isn't funny how some of the most important memories are so organic and simple. The sweet, everyday moments are what will be cherished the most. I'm so happy you got to have that experience to hold close to your heart.

  4. This is a great article, that I really enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing.


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