I Can, and I Will


Life is good, guys. Life is so good. Change is in the air with the starting of school and autumn on the horizon. We had a fabulous summer, but I'm so happy to transition out of it. This summer was a different one for our family for a lot of reasons. We opened a store, we had four kids at home full time, and we moved our business out of our home. It was busy, and it was really hard to get the normal things done. It was a summer of fast food and feeling frazzled. 

But FALL. Oh, fall. This is going to be my time. Not like time-for-me time, but time to do all the things. Time to get organized and feel on top of this phase of life. There are always unexpected things that pop up to remind me how not in control I am, but the few days a week or couple of hours in a day that I can feel confident in my planning and my organization are all I need to really feel on top.

The two big boys are in school all day five days a week, and then Knox is in preschool two days a week. But Knox still naps and so does Baker, so there are brief snippets of each day where everyone is either in school or napping. (Like right now, knock on wood.) It's amazing what a little alone time does for your brain and your productivity. I can plan ahead for meals or keep on top of the laundry or draft some blog posts that have been bouncing around in my head. In this phase of life, I've found my productive hours are in the afternoon if everyone or most everyone is napping. Early morning hours are only helpful for getting ready before everyone else and doing social media; after the kids are in bed, I either clean up or do a little more social media and then fall asleep. 

I've never been great at being super scheduled or keeping scheduling habits, but I have high hopes for this year. I think sometimes things have to become essential before they stick, and right now a good schedule is about as essential as it could be. 

What are your goals now that fall is almost here? Do you find yourself organizing or revamping the schedule?


  1. I adore this causal look. So perfect for the weekend

    Life is just Rosie

  2. My goals for the fall is to not buy everything pumpkin spice, haha! ;)

    Edye | Http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love that shirt and would love to see the look on my Dad's face if I wore it. Growing up, I was never allowed to say I can't. It was a big no-no and I teach my kids the same rule!

  5. Yes! We have never been a super scheduled family and now we are in a stage/season where it's becoming absolutely essential! I feel you on that :)


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