Oh Hey, September

Photo Credit- Sarah Sweeney

Happy weekend everyone! Now that school is in session, the weekends mean something around here. I swear the summer was just one long blur where the days were all the same except for Sunday. I love the structure that school creates since we are self-employed and the work week never really ends. Today I thought I'd share a few random things I'm loving or looking forward to. 

1. This weekend I'm really looking forward to attending one of my best friends from high school's baby shower. This is her first little one, and it hasn't been an easy road to pregnancy for her. I don't get to see her often because she lives out of state, but luckily her sister lives here, so she's coming to town to celebrate. It feels like such a long time since I had my first baby shower, so I'm excited to relive that fun with her!

2. We launched a big part of our Nickel and Suede fall collection yesterday, and while that is always a lot of work, it's so much fun. I love seeing customers' responses to our hard work with styling and photography. I'm really, really happy with how it came together and was definitely pinching myself all day, as we had our best new product release day ever. 

3. We also had a crazy week because we got new carpet. Which is "YAY!" and also "HELP!" because it requires a lot of moving things and basically turning the house upside down. Actually if we could turn the house literally upside down, that would help. The guys just finished, and it looks great. We just went with a dark, soft, cushy carpet that won't show dirt. Plus it feels good! And boy is it an upgrade from the builder's grade stuff. I'm also taking this opportunity to dump anything and everything in the basement that I don't want cluttering the upstairs. It feels AWESOME, until I go down to the basement and see what I've done. 

4. I'm currently on the hunt for military green skinnies, and I'm hoping these ones that I ordered work well. I actually tried them last week, but they fit REALLY small so I had to order a size up. Fingers crossed. Also we have a fancy event to attend in September, and of course I have nothing fancy to wear. (I'm not fancy.) But I have heard good things about this dress, so I ordered it in two sizes hoping to get a little more length without drowning in width. We shall see. 

5. Other current favorites: this sweater from Madewell. This dark polish from Ulta that I've been wearing on repeat. I REALLY want these boots, but I haven't found an excuse to buy them. The calf hair makes them pricey, but so pretty. 

6. I got my wedding ring back! Soren stole it a few days before our anniversary and sent it off for cleaning, re-plating, and some "improvements." We picked it up Wednesday and it's beautiful! I've never had a huge ring, but he surprised me by upping the diamond size (just a little) and adding a second wedding band on the other side. It really couldn't be any prettier in my opinion. (When I have my nails looking presentable, I'll post a pic.)

7. Knox is potty trained! He was required to be trained for preschool starting, and he pulled it off just in the knick of time. He is such an angel boy and really made the process easy. Everyone needs a boy like Knox. They really do. 

8. You can now shop my looks from Instagram here on the blog without signing up for LiketoKnowit! The outfits I post are in the footer here on the blog, and all you have to do is click a picture and the links to all of the items will show up for you. Easy peasy.

9. I've been posting video tutorials on Instagram for the last few months of me doing my hair or makeup. If you don't follow over there, you might enjoy those. And speaking of videos, I've also done quite a few FB live posts on my OLM FB page. Those are usually a tutorial of some kind as well.

10. I've been getting a lot of questions about growing out my hair. I am growing it out of my asymmetrical long pixie, but I'm not planning on growing it very far. I think mid-neck sounds about right, at least as a jumping off point for whatever I want to do next. I LOVED my pixie, but I'd like some other options to do with my hair that a pixie doesn't offer. So we'll see where it goes! If you have any cuts you love, send them my way!


  1. Hmm...I wonder if you could find a fancy dress that necessitates also buying those boots?!?

  2. Love the zippers on those skinny jeans!


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