What Day Is It?

 SWEATER // PANTS (currently sold out, but these and these are similar) // SHOES // BAG // SUNNIES 

Although many of us have been second-guessing what season it really is (endless summer, anyone?), fall has finally arrived. The leaves are here to prove it, and I'm freaking out just a little bit as I look at the date on the calendar. Really? October 20? Are you kidding me? How?! 

That means I have a five-year-old turning six next week and an 11-month-old turning one just a few days later. And then comes Halloween, and then we start turning on the holidays at Nickel & Suede. Suddenly it's Thanksgiving and then Christmas, and wellthat all escalated really quickly. I'm definitely feeling like I'm on a slippery slope that will not stop until December 26. And I love it and I'm excited about it, but there is so much to do in that short amount of time. AKA, I see stress in my future. 

So what else to do but start making lists and planning ahead? I'm making lists of gifts to buy and traditions to plan ahead for. I'm scheduling in family outings and family time because otherwise things just get busy. I'm planning two birthday parties and buying extra cards and wrapping paper and wrapping supplies. Especially tape; there is never enough tape.

I'm also thinking ahead about holiday events that I will be attending from Thanksgiving to Christmas. This sweater from Nordstrom has my vote for all events where there will be food because it hides everything. "Yes, I'm supposed to look this fluffy. It's the sweater, not the pie." These pants are also current favorites because they can dress down something that is a little too sweet or neutralize a crazy top like this one. Nordstrom has so many great tops like this one (I'll be styling it next week) and this one (on sale!) that are perfect go-tos for your upcoming dressy-ish events. 

What are you doing to prepare for the impending storm of fun and craziness that surrounds the holidays? I'd love to hear your tips!

*Thank you Nordstrom for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own!


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