Hey, It's Almost the Holidays

PC: Sarah Sweeney
It's November 18, and it's a big day for our family! First, today is Soren's birthday. He's turning one year older, and we're excited to celebrate him. He is such a great dad, husband, business partner, and example. He's one of the smartest men I know, and I've learned so much from him. You really can't help but learn when you're around him! He and I actually celebrated on Wednesday night because we knew this weekend would be busy. We took advantage of his mom still being in town and went to a Wednesday night movie. I can't remember the last time we saw a movie without at least a baby in tow! One of his favorite movies is Jack Reacher, so it was an extra special birthday date to be able to see the new Jack Reacher movie. We both loved it and enjoyed the chance to veg together without thinking or talking about work.

The second reason today is such a big day is that it marks the start of Nickel & Suede's biggest sale of the year! Today through Sunday, all earrings are 20% off onlinethat NEVER happens! This is our "Black Friday" sale; we won't be offering a bigger sale or a better time to buy until Christmas! This sale really kicks off the holiday season for us, and we'll be shipping all day every day starting now. :) We've been training all year for this, right? 

Not only is our big sale this weekend, but we also published our first Nickel & Suede video this week! It was a lot of fun to put this holiday video together, and I've been dying to share it. You can see the whole thing here. We have a few other videos in the works, and I can't wait to share those ones either. Trying new things, like creating video content, is always so much more work and stress than I originally expect, but the rewards and results always balance that out in the end. I love seeing new projects come together, and I especially love the growth and the confidence boost that comes from hard work paying off. 
I'm really thankful that we've been able to hire so much holiday help this year so that I won't have to be shipping every holiday order out the door this season. Last year Soren and I shipped orders all night every night, in the middle of having a newborn, and anything will be better than that stress! Because of the extra help, I SHOULD be more available to blog and work on social media, but we all know how crazy this season is for everyone. I know I'll have some holiday outfits coming your way soon, and I'll try to get a few gift ideas together too. If you have anything you'd especially like help with over the next few weeks, let me know! Have a great weekend!


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