Sweater Weather

PC: Sarah Sweeney
Is it just me or does it seem like this month should be over already? We were in a meeting the other day, and someone asked what day it was. We were all SHOCKED that it was only the 6th. Somehow the holidays are over, but there are still so many things going on. And don't get me wrong; I love it. It's just been a whirlwind. I'm glad for the fact that January hasn't passed me by because dang it, I have more things to get done and improve on this month. 
So to catch you all up on life lately, I thought I'd share a little about what's keeping us busy. I bet you've got your own list you could share too!
- Basketball season is raring to go with Easton's first game this week. He has been in love with basketball since watching High School Musical in first grade. Troy Bolton is pretty much his idol, and I can't help but love it. We've never done basketball in our family, but I am excited for him to give this sport a chance. He loves to shoot hoops in our driveway with my old little iPod shuffle clipped to his shorts and his favorite music in his earbuds. So wish him luck on Saturday!
- Soren and I just got our passports in the mail today! He and I are going to ITALY next month, and until today it didn't seem real. We have some work business to do over therehence the tripbut I'm still pinching myself that our job is allowing us, even requiring us, to go to my dream destination. We'll be there for a week, and I think our plans include Milan and Venice. If you've been to either, tell us where to go and what to do!
- Our house is under construction again! We had our basement finished in the fall, but only the main living area down there. We left the bathroom and a big storage closet unfinished, and I immediately regretted it. Not finishing the bathroom was a mistake. So we had the workers come back. The three big boys have moved to the basement, so it only makes sense for them to have a bathroom to use down thereespecially in the middle of the night. They are almost done down there, and it will be so nice to see it all complete!
- And speaking of redoing parts of the house, I evacuated the boys from their room upstairs so that I could use it for an office. My recent Internet searches have been for office decor, and it's been really fun to see it come together. I still need a few cute supplies like a stapler, notepads, and other odds and ends. So if you have any recommendations for where to buy cute office supplies (besides Target), let me know!
- Nickel & Suede is always keeping me busy. And Soren too. Right now I'm prepping for our Valentine's Day campaign, and I can't wait to share. We ordered this pink couch for the shoot and to have in the store, and that isn't even the best part of it all! I can't say enough how amazing it is that I get to work on these kinds of projects for my career.
- Another reason we are so busy is all of the stuff we're surrounded by. We're still recovering from the influx of new things from Christmas. I feel like I've been picking up and rearranging since December 25. We didn't even buy a crazy amount of gifts, but they all need somewhere to go! I'm holding out for some serious IKEA toy storage solutions once the basement is totally done, and if that doesn't work I don't know what I'll do!
How is your year starting out? Do you feel like things are slowing down and becoming more organized? Or are they just as busy as ever and you're just holding on? ;)


  1. You are going to love Italy! I served my mission in Milan and it is a beautiful country and the people are wonderful. Milan is the fashion capital, so it is perfect for you! There is a church called the Duomo in the middle of the city which is amazing. And right around there is the Galleria with restaurants and lots of shopping! Venice is breathtaking. Hopefully it doesn't stink while you are there. :) We loved going on a gondola ride...it's way overpriced, but if you're only in Venice once, do it. It's a great way to see the city and experience the canals. Most importantly, EAT EAT EAT! The food is delicious...pizza is divine...and the gelato (ice cream) is worth every calorie. Enjoy!


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  2. You will love Italy! But I have only been to Rome, Vatican City, and Florence, so I can't help with Milan or Venice, lol. Paper Source often has super cute office supplies.

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