Grayed Out

PC: Sarah Sweeney

Lately I've really been gravitating toward muted neutral pastels. I described them the other day as any pastel color with gray added to it. Tone down pink to blush, green to a pastel olive, and purple to a grayed out lavender. While I love color, I don't wear a whole lot of it. But muted tones are really a great way to mix up a mostly neutral wardrobe without committing to brights and a wide color palette. Some of my favorite Nickel & Suede earrings are also muted neutrals, like Sterling, Lip Gloss, Luxe Linen, and Gala Gold
You may have also noticed that I've been styling a lot of clothes from Abercrombie lately, like these pants. I don't know about you, but I tend to really like a certain brand during one season and then move to another one depending on what their collections look like. Abercrombie has been a fun new place to browse and shop lately, especially their spring collection. I love their color palette for spring, and I like so many of their sweaters and jeans. I think they have done a great job at reviving their brand by making it less sexual and immodest, while still keeping their cool, effortless vibe and keeping the price points reachable. I'm excited to see how their brand continues to move forward. 
Soren and I are in Italy as you are reading this, and hopefully I survived the flight and we arrived okay. It's a 13-hour flight to get there, and I'm hoping I can find a way to sleep, relax, and enjoy the time! Be sure to check in on us on Instagram and our Instagram stories to see live updates from the trip! Happy Monday!


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