Big News At Our House

TEE // PANTS // BAG // SHOES (sold out) // SUNNIES // EARRINGS

Happy Monday! Today is one of those Monday's that really needs to be a kick-butt, hustling, time-to-literally-wear-running-shoes kind of day. We have about as many things going on right now as we possibly can and I need to update you on what a few of those things are! 

The biggest news is that we are buying a house. Yes, we really are! And I'm almost as surprised as you are!

We've been looking at houses for the last few months, just to learn about what we like and where we might want to live. I've seen plenty of houses that I don't want and very few that I did. I think Soren and I have been pretty sold on the idea of building exactly what we want in a few years. But last week a house came back on the market that we've kind-of had our eye on. It's in the area we want to live and so when our realtor texted us we agreed to go see it. 

And it was surprisingly just right! As we toured the house we found that it has almost EVERYTHING on our dream home list. It has enough bedrooms, tons of storage, a great layout and then the location is perfect. It also has some fun stuff like a pool, a fire pit, a laundry room, a few secret rooms and an archery/throwing target in the back. Needless to say, my kids are excited! The house is very nice but it is very brown, which is still the style around here, so I'm excited to get some painters in there before we move in to brighten things up. I'm really looking forward to more space and flexing that creative muscle to update the house to more of my style.

We put in an offer on the evening we saw the house and within a couple of days we now find ourselves prepping to move! Thankfully we've been working on our current house for months (trying to make it work for longer for our family) and part of that has been packing away what we don't need to get to often. We also got a new roof last month, new carpet in the last six months and we finished the basement recently. Now I'm packing away ever more stuff and then getting the house cute and really clean. We don't close on the new house until early June, but we're trying to get our house on the market in the next week and a half. And that is so soon!

The house we are getting ready to sell is our first house so this will be the first house we sell. It's exciting and stressful and just a lot of work!

Soren banned me from blogging until the house is ready to sell, but a girl has to sit down and rest sometime right?! I'll definitely keep you posted about developments and you'll really stay up to date by following along my IG stories!  


  1. Congrats on the new home! So exciting! I am legitimately dying to know though...are you for real on the secret rooms? Because my husband has always been obsessed with the idea of having secret passageways and secret rooms in a house, but I've never heard of any house that actually had them...

  2. Congrats! That is SO exciting!

  3. Congratulations! So excited for you. And you have great taste, so I'm sure you'll make your current home absolutely gorgeous for the next buyers. :)


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