So We Bought a House...

A few weeks ago I blogged a little bit of a life update, letting you all know we had accidentally found a house to buy. We weren't exactly looking to move, but we started the process of looking and we all know what that meanswe eventually found something. So that catapulted us into a series of to-do items that involved selling our house, prepping to move, closing on our new house, and then remodeling the new house. It's been a whirlwind to say the least. 

Thankfully everything has fallen into place for the most part, and we've been able to get the things done that we've needed to do. Bless our kids' and our employees' hearts for putting up with all of our crazy in the months of May and June!

I wanted to give you a little "before" house tour because it looks very different now than it did just two weeks ago when we closed on it. We bought the house loving the location, the size, the storage, and the layout. I didn't so much love the fixtures and the color palette. So before we moved in, I had remodelers come in and paint and redo the kitchen, and I can't wait to show you the final results!

But I'm getting ahead of myself! What you'll see below are phone pics from the day we first saw the house. This is also the day we decided to put in an offer on it. So hopefully these will give you a good idea of the "before" so that you'll be able to appreciate the changes when I share the "after."

This is the entryway. Love the big coat closet.

Just off the entry is a mother-in-law bedroom, bath, and closet. This will end up being my office. 

Stairs to go up and also down to the basement. 

This is the family room on the main level. I love the wood floors and the big windows. 

Another view from the family room into the dining area and the back door that goes out to the deck.

I love the big open kitchen being right in the living and dining area. This is the transformation that I'm most excited about!

The master bedroom is also on the main floor. Like the rest of the house, it started off VERY dark.

Master bath. No tub, but I love that the shower has two shower heads. 

Downstairs there is a little half kitchen and game/rec area.

There are also two BIG unfinished storage areas. These really sold us!

The backyard does have a pool. We are both terrified and excited about this. The kids are excited; Soren and I wouldn't have picked it or added it. But we'll still be thankful for it!

We knew this house was for us when we saw that it had an archery lane in the back. Soren and my boys all shoot bow and arrows, and having something already set up is just a dream come true!

Another dreamy feature? An outdoor bathroom just for swimmers. No walking water through my house!

I guess I didn't take any photos of the upstairs, but there are three bedrooms upstairs, plus a secret playroom that you access through a push-in bookshelf. All of the kids will have a blast up there. They think the laundry chute is pretty cool as well. 

All in all, we are really excited! We should be done with renovations next week and be able to move in before the end of the week. 

We also DID sell our house, and thankfully that process has been pretty smooth. Moving in general is SO much work, and I have all the empathy in the world for anyone else going through it. Cleaning out our current house and patching holes and boxing everything, while still taking care of everything for the new house, is a lot to juggle. But I know it will be worth it, and in a few weeks we'll be especially thankful for how it all came together. 

If you want to see live updates of the remodel, you can watch my Instagram stories. When we get moved in and have a few things put away, I'll be sure to do an update post. I hope your summer is slightly less eventful than mine, but I guess as long as it's all good things, bring on the hard work!


  1. So exciting! I love it as is (lol) but I can't wait to see how you transform it.

  2. Yeah, I've got all the empathy in the world for you over here because we're going through it as well! Our big move is tomorrow, and it's our first home, so we're pretty stoked :) Can't wait to see what new things you've done with your place!

  3. Congrats! What a beautiful home. We are currently in the process of packing up our house to move as well, it's a lot of work! Good luck!


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