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TEE // JEANS (similar)  // SHOES // EARRINGS 

Hey guys, finally checking in after what seems like forever. Let me tell you, there's nothing like being displaced by a move and losing all sense of normal. It's hard to believe that two months ago we saw our new house for the first time and that set into motion the crazy life we've been living. I would never have chosen to move houses, plan a remodel, launch new products and do Summer with four kids at the same time, but it turns out that's what we needed to do and that's what we've done. 

Today is basically the last day of our new house renovations, although we moved in last week. By the end of today we'll have a working kitchen sink and laundry room and most of the dust and grime will be gone. We've been living in our upstairs- which thankfully has enough room for the kids and us to sleep and bathe. Meals have all been sandwiches, cereal and take out. I've been really struggling mentally with the lack of order or schedule or normal, but I keep reminding myself that it's really only for a short time. We're so fortunate to have a beautiful home to move into and for all of the blessings that a bigger home will provide. I just sometimes forget that there is struggle and effort attached to those rewards. 

I am also trying to cut myself a break as the flu also ran through our house last week. Nothing like breaking in a new house with a little throw up. It FEELS like we'll never have a new normal, I'll never get any work done again and like I've left all productivity at the other house, but those are just feelings and I think I'll be able to prove them wrong one step or one unpacked box at a time. 

Thanks for the love and the congrats on our new house. We really are thankful and it still doesn't feel real! I hope your July is off to a great start and you're enjoying Independence Day with your family!


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