Big News at Our House

We’ve got some big news. This is apparently our time of life for making big changes because we’re adding one more to the mix.

We’re expecting! Yep, you guessed itbaby number five is on his or her way.

Bring on the “Are those all yours?” and “Are you hoping for a girl this time?” and the “Bless your heart”s from all random strangers for the next eight months.

We’re excited to add another boy or girl to the family, and I don’t have my hopes set on either. If we have a boy we’ll be thrilled because we’re a boy family and we love our first four so much! If it’s a girl, we’re in for a treat and a big old learning curve. I feel cliché saying this, but we’ll honestly just be happy with a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I'm almost 14 weeks and am so thankful to be out of the first trimester!

I’ll share more in an upcoming post, but it's been a rough first trimester and I’m thrilled to be almost on the other side of it!


  1. Wow!! Congratulations! Praying you feel better soon. This baby will bring you a lot of joy:)

  2. Congrats.. So Happy for you all..

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful family 💙

  4. Congratulations!!!

  5. I am so happy for you!! I have all girls and CONSTANTLY get the "when are you going to have a boy?" question all the time. If only they knew: 1. that I can't have any more children because of my health and it shattered my heart 2. that my girls have EARS and I hate that they are made to feel as though they are less.

  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to see pictures ❤️

  7. Congrats!! So exciting. I'm excited to hear the name you have such great names for your kids. :)

  8. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and your cute family.

  9. Such a blessing! Congratulations, so excited for you!

  10. Yay! Babies and kiddos are wonderful! And when somebody says, "Don't you know how babies are made?" just respond with, "Yes and my husband and I happen to love it!" ;)

  11. congratulations, Kilee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so excited for you guys!

  12. Ahhh so exciting!!! You left out the ubiquitous, "You've got your hands full!" Ha! We can't wait to meet the new little one!

  13. Oh, congratulations! Every baby is a blessing. Best wishes to you and your family.

  14. Hooray! Congratulations! A new baby is always so exciting :) And if this first trimester was rougher than your others, that might be a sign that it IS a girl...almost everyone I've talked to had a lot more morning sickness with their girls than with their boys, so that could be fun. My husband came from a family of 5 boys though, and that seemed like waaay too much fun too, so like you said, you're set either way :)

    Here's hoping that the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly!

  15. Congratulations to you and your family..boys are special and girls are too..I have 2 of each and love them all so much❤❤❤❤Happy pregnancy to you!

  16. Congratulations! Wishing you a safe and easy pregnancy!


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