It's a.....

We had a pretty eventful weekend at the Nickels' house! We did the Fall Festival, cleaned house, did our normal Saturday run around and Soren and I even flew out of town on Sunday, but nothing compared to Friday! I had my 20 week ultrasound on Friday morning and you know what that means... we found out the gender of baby #5!

We had the ultrasound on Friday morning and Soren and I found out the sex of the baby while we were there. I am not one to wait. And I'm glad we found out when we did. We brought the boys along to the appointment to let them see what the ultrasound was like, but we made them wait to find out whether it was going to be a boy or a girl.

Later that night we headed down to the trail near our house for some family pics and to find out the big news! And from the following pics I'm sure you'll figure it out yourself. ;)

Yep, that's right! We almost couldn't believe it either. We're going for a house full of boys with baby BOY number five on the way. It's a good thing we make awesome boys because now we can't wait to meet the next one!

You may be able to tell from the boys' faces but Knox was thrilled to find out it was another boy. (He's in a doesn't-like-girls phase.) Easton and Kesler were really hoping for a girl. And I can identify with their feelings because I'm the oldest in my family and I have four younger brothers- no sisters. This time around though I was a bit relieved to find out that this baby is a boy. There is something less stressful about having five of the same thing. Because what I've actually found there are more than enough differences between four or five boys- without throwing another gender into the mix! I think Soren is relieved for a similar reason although we would have been more than happy with a pink fountain of smoke too. 


We did find out some less than ideal news at the ultrasound as well. And as soon as I know more I can share more. Baby is mostly doing well, but prayers would be appreciated as we may have a follow up ultrasound and a complication in what has otherwise been a streak of perfect, healthy boys. I'm trying to be positive and we're excited to share our boy family news with you. 
Thanks for the love and support! We're so thankful to have so many readers who care about and show so much love to our family. 


  1. Congratulations! Sending prayers...

  2. Congratulations! I am so excited for you all!!!!!

  3. Hey Kilee, It's been too long! I know it's zero consolation, but with two of my pregnancies the techs said there were abnormalities and we would need follow-up appts. Needless to say, I didn't sleep for the weeks between appts... but each time the 'abnormalities' corrected themselves, and each child turned out perfectly. Your family and your sweet baby will be in our prayers for a similar outcome. As always, don't fear. The Lord has this.

  4. My husband (and funnily enough, his dad too!) both grew up in a family of five boys, and they all just have the funniest stories! It takes a strong kind of mama to be able to handle five boys! Congratulations, and I'll send some extra prayers your way--pregnancies can be so full of anxiety, so I hope you can find some peace in the next few weeks.

  5. Praying for what you have mentioned! Five boys will certainly be exciting!


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