Do Something Nice Today

If you've been a long time reader, you know that my day job- aside from the 4.5 boys, is running a company called Nickel & Suede with my husband. We started it three years ago and it's been such an adventure. One of my favorite parts of running the business is coming up with fun promotions and creative ways to do good and to share our brand. 

Last year I had the idea to celebrate National Do Something Nice Day by offering free earrings to give away to someone else in an effort to spread kindness and love. We were excited about it and we thought it would be a fun idea, but we had no idea how many customers would also love the idea! On October 5, 2016 we sold more orders than we did in the entire previous month. It was a huge shock in the best way possible. We gave away over 3000 pairs of earrings during that promotion and although it was a lot of work to dig out from that day, we knew we wanted to repeat it. 

So guess what? It's back! We've been preparing like crazy this year and we're ready to ship little brown boxes of kindness all over the world today. On October 5 only, you can order one pair of earrings from our B1Give1 section and we'll send you an identical pair for free. We really hope you'll take that free pair and give it to a friend who never treats herself, a family member who is struggling or someone you want to surprise. There are so many right ways to spread a little love with our little brown box. 

You can find all of the details and instructions here. I hope you'll find a way to celebrate with us too and report back about how you did something nice.

And of course, there are a thousand ways to do something nice for someone or lots of people today. Find a way to make a difference to one person and it will add up to a whole lot of good.


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