Life + Pregnancy Update

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Happy Tuesday guys! We're in the last few days of the fastest month yet this year - and I cannot believe December is around the corner. We had a great Thanksgiving break at our house which included lots of down time, board games, yard work, Christmas decorating and of course lots of food. In my Thanksgiving tradition post last week I mentioned that I wanted to add more traditions to our holiday. I can report back that we successfully added one. Yes, just one, but it still counts!

One reader suggested the idea of a Thanksgiving Journal where every guest for Thanksgiving dinner has to write a message in the book and every year the book returns for the next year's attendees to sign. I found a beautiful leather journal online and paid way too much to get it here in time and we used it! I told everyone they had to write/draw something they were grateful for or did on Thanksgiving or both and sign their name. We filled up a few pages and it was a great experience. Next year we'll pull it out again and start a new page and then add to it annually. Did you add any new traditions to your Thanksgiving weekend?

Also- I have important news! I finally made it to the doctor last week and got my blood work done. I was seriously procrastinating, but I finally did it. A few days ago I got an email with my results and I was just a tad bit nervous to open it up. If you remember the tests were to look for more Down Syndrome markers and the results of this test type are supposedly 90-95% accurate. So, I clicked the email and opened the file and found that we DID NOT test positive for Down Syndrome. As far as blood work and doctors can actually know stuff, it's 95% sure that our little man will not have DS. 

It's so good to finally know. But it was an odd thing to find out. I think a positive- we do have Down Syndrome- test result would have been a more concrete idea to process. The negative feels kinda iffy. I do feel at peace about it and honestly before I found out I felt peaceful as well. Either way I have kind of let go of the situation and decided that whatever comes is going to come. We'll react to it as best we can and choose how to deal with it all once we know more than we do now. If our little guy were to have Down Syndrome and a Cleft Lip/Palate, it would work out. And we'd love him and protect him all the more. 

Now that we have mostly ruled out DS, I will say that the cleft feels like less of a big deal. It feels much more manageable than it did originally. But I realize I can say that without having the slightest clue to how difficult and challenging and life changing it will be. It will definitely be a stretching and growing experience for our whole family- and especially me. 

I have another ultrasound today and I am much less worried about it than any other. Hopefully it will be much more routine and more to cover the doctor's bases than anything else. 

I do want to say thank you again for all of the kind thoughts, prayers, messages and more that you have sent our way. I wish I could reply to them all, but as cheesy as it sounds, know that we do feel them benefits of them. Thanks for caring so much about our little guy and our family. We really do feel loved and lifted up. 

I'll continue to share updates when I have them, but I'm actually hoping to mostly forget I'm pregnant and working crazy hard for the next 10-11 weeks. There is so much to be done for work and for the kids and for the holidays that sticking to worrying about four kids is definitely better than already stressing about five. :)


SWEATER: This exact sweater is sold out, but I linked a similar one that has good reviews. It looks like it runs big so size down for best fit. 
JEANS: These jeans are a great investment pair of black denim. They don't stretch out or fade. 
MATERNITY JEANS: I love these so much. They look and feel great. I wear them multiple times a week. They don't fall down, stretch out or fade.
SHOES: Sadly these are sold out right now. They sold like crazy during the Anniversary Sale so they may be back!
EARRINGS: These exact earrings are sold out right now, but here are another black pair I love. 


  1. I went through a similar situation with my most recent pregnancy (delivered baby boy in July) and the emotions you're describing are exactly what I experienced. What a roller coaster. I know you want to meet your little guy and know exactly how to help him best adjust to life on earth... I pray that the time will go quickly for you <3

  2. That's great news, although I think either way you have handled it with so much grace. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Kylie, I am so thankful you and he are in such good care. Thank you for your boldness to share. I feel solidarity with you as a mom of five...when there are so many people in your nest to care for, having these kinds of uncertainties can really pile on! God sees. :)


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