He's Here!

He's here! I'm a little late here on the blog, but hopefully most of you follow me somewhere in social media land and you know by now that little man number five has arrived! He's actually three weeks old today and that is how long it's taken me to sit down and push publish on a blog post. That's real new-baby-mom-of-five-business-owner life for you.

BIRTHDAY: February 1, 2018 at 1:18pm
WEIGHT: 6 lbs. 15 oz. 
LENGTH: 19 in. 

We are obviously home and doing well. And I do have a birth story post in the works! Thank you for all of the well wishes and prayers and love!


  1. Congratulations on your wonderful new arrival! Wishing you all the best during the no-sleep phase.

  2. Congrats on baby #5 - such a blessing! Terrific name. Beautiful baby and photos.

  3. Congratulations on the arrival of your little miracle! Five boys is a blessing and a whole lot of grace.

  4. Kilee, Congratulation to you and Soren. Rush is absolutely beautiful and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. May that little nugget be blessed and loved beyond measure.


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