Nickel & Suede's Spring Line

Happy April! I'm so excited for warmer weather and the start of a new month. It's been a long winter (actually it's still snowy here) and having a newborn has made it feel even longer! I'm counting on it actually warming up soon and actually getting some sleep soon and who could ask for more than that!? :) 

In January we took a trip to Palm Springs for our Nickel and Suede Spring photo shoot. It was such a great experience and I'm so proud of how it all came together. Over the last year we've added to our creative team and I've had a lot of help in creating even better and better content. It's such a rewarding thing! Today the last of our Spring releases came out online and I want to share them with you. These are some of my favorite products and images from our Spring line. I wish I could source all of the clothes for you (most of them aren't available anymore) but I will source the accessories! :)

EARRINGS (size large)

EARRINGS (size large) // EARRINGS (size large)

EARRINGS (size large) // HAT

EARRINGS (size large) // HAT // CUFF

EARRINGS (size large)

HAT // EARRINGS (size large)

EARRINGS (size large)

EARRINGS (size large)
You can find all of our new releases here. Which ones are your favorites? 


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