This Week on OLM: The Summer Balancing Act

You know how you think Summer is going to be slow and lazy and relaxing and then it's not at all? :) It's actually quite busy and bustling and fast paced?  Yeah, that's about been my Summer. It's kind of like being a mom and expecting the weekend to be the weekend. But it's not, because you're a mom. This is really our first Summer with older kids, camps and lots of trips. While I would rather be busy than bored, I think we've been pushing some limits!

July has been a whirlwind of a month for us, and it's not going to let up 'till it's over. I've had two new employees start (that directly report to me), the Anniversary Sale coverage, guests from out of town and a week-long work/family trip to Montana. As soon as we get home, Rush will be undergoing surgery and then school starts. I've loved ALL of it, but I've also realized how hard it is to love it all when you are going a million miles an hour all the time. Being busy is addicting and I'm definitely feeling the need to slow down a bit and figure out a better balance for next month!

Balance is a funny thing because as soon as you think you are, you aren't. So, I just wanted to put that out there for you. I'm always balancing and re-balancing. Failing and trying again. Crying and bugged at my own blind spots and then sucking it up and learning from it. I'm in new territory in motherhood with a nine-year-old and a baby with special needs. And I'm in new territory as the owner of a company with 40 employees and a whole lot more risk than ever before.

Things aren't perfect over here, but I've definitely got a lot to be thankful for and I've found myself taking some of those things for granted. I think August's theme is going to be resetting and a grateful heart.

What clean slate are you ready for as you look to the end of Summer? Have you felt out of balance at all lately?


  1. Loved reading about your summer, but I'm not sure you realize your blog post has so many ads placed throughout, it completely chopped up the reading experience. I understand the necessity of ads for bloggers, but I've seen them placed more strategically and in a cohesive way. Just something to consider!

  2. Grateful heart. That is so something to focus on. Thanks for the reminder!


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