Montana Getaway

Last month we headed to a little spot off the map near the border of Canada. We went for our Fall Nickel & Suede photo shoot combined with a family vacation. We have friends who vacation there every year and they are always telling us how beautiful and wonderful it is to visit. Near the end of July, we decided to test them on it and we made the long trip to Eureka, Montana. 


There isn't an easy way to travel from Missouri to Montana. Our friends always drive the 20+ hours and I knew that would not be our preferred travel method. However, flying wasn't much shorter or easier. It was a long day of flying, running to catch flights and no naps, but eventually we made it to Kalispell. Once we landed and got our bags we loaded up into a rental van and drove almost two hours to our final destination. 

Thankfully it did not disappoint! We stayed at The Wilderness Club in Eureka and had the best time. It's located in the tiniest little town and honestly on the drive up I was second guessing our choices. There were very few restaurants, stores or even neighborhoods. The only stores we really saw were a market, a video rental and some thrift stores! But once we got to the club things changed drastically. It is a four star resort/golf course and it was very nice. 

We stayed in a big cabin with our family and our crew and there was plenty to do. We walked down to the dock and taught the boys how to canoe, paddle board and kayak. There were multiple swimming pools, a water slide and a hot tub. We fed horses and could have ridden them as well. They also had bikes you could rent and then of course golf. It was the perfect little retreat. 


Everything about Montana was even more beautiful than people say. The sunsets and sunrises were just incredible. The Summer nights are very short there because it is so far north, so the sun didn't set until 10 pm and it came up around 4:30 am. It wasn't the best for getting kids to bed, but it was really great for a long golden hour of taking pictures.

The lakes and ponds were so clear and there were horses in all the pastures. It was such a gorgeous place it was nearly impossible to take it all in. Soren did take the boys on a hike up to Bluebell Lake and they had a great time. It wasn't easy, but they were so proud of themselves for conquering it. I'm sure there was so much more to do, but we tried to fit it all in during our week and loved it all.

On our way back to the airport we made a stop in Whitefish and found so much more to do. There were cute shops, restaurants and lots of activities. We shopped at a cool toy store, a baby boutique and a few other places. If someone were to visit and stay anywhere except The Wilderness Club, I would definitely recommend Whitefish. It reminded me of parts of Aspen or a little mountain town in Colorado.

Here are some of our Montana outfits:


  1. Oh, you’re making me nostalgic! We lived in Montana (Bozeman) for five years and often made the drive up to Glacier & Flathead there near Kallispell, it’s so gorgeous!


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