Fall Palette and What I'm Looking Forward To This Month

Weeks that have a Monday holiday are always weird, am I right? All week I've been struggling to remember what day it is, and it doesn't help that we have rain forecasted to last all week. It's dark and wet and it's definitely reminding me why we moved away from Seattle. Nevertheless, it is September and that alone is enough to make me happy. There is so much to look forward to over the next few weeks and months! (Did you see my Fall bucket list post? SO. MANY. GOOD. THINGS. To look forward to!)

short ankle boots for Fall
 Shop the Post

Tiny print, mixed print blouse, short hair

Today I thought I'd share a few things that I'm looking forward to and hopefully it will get you thinking about your own. Sometimes the hope of cooler days, jacket weather and upcoming fun is all it takes to turn a hot, muggy, rainy week into a great one. 

1. Taylor Swift. Soren and I have tickets to her concert this weekend and although I wasn't initially sure I love the "new Taylor", I know she puts on a good show. So, we are going. We've gone to the last two concerts she has played in KC and we opted not to miss one yet. It will be fun to get out, and even more fun to not take any kids with us! Rush has his own sitter that night so no third wheels on this date. Now what do I wear???

2. Holiday photo shoot. We have our holiday photo shoot planned for next week and just like every shoot, I think this one will be our best ever. I can't wait to share more, but let me just say there will be sheep. And how could that not be amazing!?!

3. The INC 500 Conference and Gala. Nickel & Suede made Inc Magazines' INC 500 list this year which is a huge honor. Read more about that here. As part of making the list we get to attend a conference and gala in San Antonio in October. The past speakers have been Brene Brown and Ben Chestnut so it's going to be good. I definitely will be nervous to go meet new people and such, but the resort/hotel looks amazing and it will be a fun getaway for a few days. The gala is black-tie and honestly finding a dress for that has been the hardest part of the preparations. Trying to find a reasonably modest and cool dress that doesn't cost $3000 might seem impossible... and yeah so far, it's impossible. But I'll keep looking!

4. Pumpkin patch time with the boys. I love a good pumpkin patch trip and those can't come soon enough. Baker and Rush are still new to all the good things about a patch, so it will be a blast showing them the ropes!

5. Watching more episodes of Sherlock and Parks and Recreation with Soren. If there is one thing that we are never current with or on trend in, it's TV shows. We are always so behind. We just got Netflix and so we're watching the last few seasons of Parks and Recreation and then all the seasons of Sherlock. It's been fun to have a show to watch together again!

I've found a few more trendy pieces like the Fall outfit above.


  1. Check out Rent the Runway for the gala. They have so many options, and it’s nice not to pay a fortune for something you will probably only wear once.

  2. Hi just thought I would make a suggestion for finding a modest formal/black tie dress. www.twirldresses.com It is a shop in Bountiful UT created by a LDS Mom and her daughters that were frustrated at the lack of options out there. Anyhow, I have gotten things there and had good luck. I am a LDS Mom age 32 as well. Best of luck.

    1. Thanks for your suggestion. I'll definitely check it out!


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