2018 Recap- Most Read Posts and Most Popular Items

What a year this year has been. It's amazing to me how fast time seems to go by the older that I get, but so much happened this year that it feels like it couldn't have all happened within the last 12 months! Here's a little recap of everything I'm remembering and feeling so grateful for throughout the year 2018.

One Little Momma - Top Posts of 2018


Nickel & Suede: We started out the year on a trip to Palm Springs for our first out of state Nickel & Suede photo shoot and I was very much pregnant with Rush. Since then we've also traveled to Galveston and Montana for other shoots. We added three more full time office staff this year and many more production employees. We started plans for our new building around our fourth birthday in June and we're moving into that new office and production space as I type. We also traveled to Texas for a holiday mart which was our first out of state vendor event. In August we were named #127 on the Inc 5000 list of fastest growing businesses in the United States. We're the fastest growing company in Kansas City and one of the fastest growing companies in Missouri. We also started to add more products to our N&S offerings this year and I can't wait to show you what we have planned in 2019!

Family: Rush was born on February 1, 2018 and completed our family. He was born with a cleft lip and a cleft palate and we quickly became immersed in learning how to feed him and tape his mouth to prepare for future surgeries. He had a partial surgery in May and a full lip surgery in August. He's doing so well and has a palate surgery scheduled for April 2019. 

The other boys continued to grow and also had a great year. Between baseball and soccer, I was as busy as I wanted to be in the evenings. We put our pool to good use this Summer and took several family trips, including some of those work trips. Knox started Kindergarten this year and that has been great for him.

House: In January we finally finished our basement (it had flooded) and Soren put in a climbing wall and a gym. We love the changes we've made to the house and really feel like it's the perfect house for our family. This Summer I also hired a housekeeper. She came every morning for about two hours in the Summer and then comes three evenings a week right now. She helps me with laundry, dishes and picking up and it's been so helpful. I still have house cleaners that come do a deep clean twice a month. I would be a crazy person without both sets of help!

The Blog: I've been able to somehow maintain a decent presence here on the blog this year, despite all of the other things to be busy with. One huge reason I've been able to do that since this Summer is that I hired a personal assistant. She started in July and immediately had 40 hours worth of work. She helps me post on FB, format blog posts, link things and more. She also helps me with everything from throwing our company Christmas party to wrapping gifts. It's been such a help!

A lot of the things that have happened this last year were things that I didn't know how to make happen. I knew I needed help in lots of ways, but I didn't know how to get it. I knew I wanted to make traveling photo shoots happen, but it seemed really hard. And yet somehow, little by little, they all came true. They all required stepping out of my comfort zone, asking questions, and believing that they were possible. I hope you can look back at the last year and see many of the things you wish listed as having come true. And now is the time to dream big for next year. Time will pass anyways so make a list of huge hard awesome things and make them happen! You can do whatever you think you can do. You don't have to know how, just do.

Today I also wanted to share a recap of my most read blog posts this year. If you missed them, take a chance to read or reread a few! And at the bottom, I've rounded up my best-selling items from this year too. These were the most popular pieces I wore this year and if you look at them, they are almost the start of a capsule wardrobe!

200+ Unique Baby Boys Names
38 Week Baby Update
Baby Rush's Birth Story
200+ Unique Baby Girl Names
Hospital Bag Necessities From a Mom of Five



  1. Favorite blogger and fashion inspiration! I loved reading your year in review by category. Has totally inspired me to write a personal one in my journal.


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