Ten Easy Self-Care Tips for Busy Seasons

Happy Wednesday guys. I've got a crazy week this week with several business-y type events and our holiday Christmas party. I'm hanging in there, but today I definitely started to feel a cold coming on. My body felt really achy and I was feeling extra tired. Not good! I'm guessing this time of year means that you too are feeling extra tired and maybe you're trying to keep the germs away too. So today I'm going to share my short list of things of self-care for when things get hectic.


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In no particular order and with no doctor's approval whatsoever, here are ten self-care practices that are getting me by during this crazy season. Maybe some of them will help you!

1. Add Airborne. I know this one is controversial- does it work? Does it not? I don't care. I believe it does, so it does. If I start feeling sick, I start adding warm Airborne drink to my morning routine. 

2. Drink, drink, drink. Some days the only thing I can do for myself is just make sure I'm drinking lots of water. If I can get my water intake up, I know I'm going to be better off and feel better than I otherwise would. 
3. Essential oils. I use DoTerra oils and I love Deep Blue and Peppermint for tight shoulder muscles, and Lavender to help me sleep better. 

4. Protein. I try to eat protein as often as I have the option. Today I was feeling wiped and so I made a point to make myself eggs for breakfast. I usually grab easy carbs and end up feeling terrible later on. 

5. Prayer and scripture study. I find that if I take time for the most important things, even just a little, I start everything from a better place. Just knowing I tried to put first things first makes a big difference in my daily confidence and agenda. 

6. Don't skip showers. Or self-tanner. Honestly, I feel terrible when I skip a shower. I don't always wash my hair, but I always get a rinse off and I try not to skip on the lotion and a little self-tanner. Never underestimate how far a little self-tanner goes toward making you look alive. 

7. Take a 10-minute nap. I've become a pro at this and it really helps on the days that I make myself do it. Look up a few mind tricks for putting yourself to sleep quickly and practice them. I can fall asleep in minutes and wake up feeling better in 10 minutes.

8. Keep Ibuprofen in your purse. And Caffeinated Crystal Lite. Both of those things are often a must when I'm on the go and things are crazy. 

9. Move whenever you can. Today I bundled up the kids and we went on a walk around the block for 20 minutes. Getting outside for a few really helped my overall mood and thus the rest of the night. 

10. Melatonin gummies. I often have a hard time winding down when I'm super busy, but these are a pretty gentle way to get your brain to shut down and allow you to get some rest. 

I'd love to hear your easy self care tips for when things are busy. Leave them in the comments below!


  1. Love this. Thank you. Perfect timing for me to read this today. One self-care tip I do: hand lotion and lip balm everywhere (my purse, the car, both bathrooms, and the kitchen sink). The winter dries out my skin so much, and my day is better when I have lotion and lip balm. :-)

  2. Great tips! Especially the get outdoors and shower - those are key for me. What self tanner do you use?

  3. Would also love to know what self tanner you use!


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