N&S Style Files- Be Like Anne

Hello again! It's a beautiful Wednesday in October here in Kansas City and for today's edition of Nickel & Suede Style Files I may look like I'm caught up in the beauty of a moment, but I'm actually thinking about Anne Shirley. I'm not sure if you grew up reading Anne of Green Gables or watching the movies, but I have watched the video tape versions many times and I love them. My husband Soren also grew up watching them and does not share my love, but that's okay! :) Read on for why I've got Anne on my mind and for outfit details for how I've styled these Lip Gloss Lunas today.


LACE TOP (wearing XS)  | JEANS (size down) | EARRINGS (one size only) | SUNGLASSES

There are so many reasons to love Anne, an immediate one being that her character is quoted often for saying one of the best Fall quotes of all time,

 "I'm so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers." 

I also immediately thought of Anne of Green Gables when I got this top in the mail. In the best possible way of course! I love the puffed sleeves and the buttons and the lace and all of the pretty details. There is something so elegant and Victorian about this top, but still modern at the same time. I paired it with flared denim today but last week I also wore it with plaid pants and with black skinny jeans as well. They also pair so well with these new best sellers!

But the real reason that I that think I love the story and the character of Anne is how bold she is. She really has to learn to find her way, to trust herself, to discover her talents and to pursue her dreams. She is also super quirky and has so many uphill battles to face along the way. I love that she perseveres through it all and I identify with so many of those things about her story in my life lately. I haven't always been bold or brave or unafraid to be myself, but I'm trying to take a page from her book and follow her lead. And I'd encourage you to do the same!

Be bold. Be yourself. Make a difference!

What strong female characters inspire you? Do you have any characters that you read or watched growing up that you look up to? 


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