N&S Style Files- Sangria Suede and Falling Forward

Happy Monday! Hey guys- I'm back today with October's edition of Nickel & Suede Style Files. This month's Style File's may look a little different as compared to months past. Instead of styling the Earring of the Month five ways, this week I'm styling three of our newest releases for Fall. I've enjoyed styling the Earring of the Month in past Style Files- and I really do love the Onyx Gem (this month's Earring) but one of my goals as an influencer, as a business owner and just as a person is to keep trying new things. I think it's really important to keep things fresh, to continually change things up and to push outside of the norm. So as little of a change as this may be- it's still change and I'm all about it! And speaking of change, today I've got some new honest thoughts about some changes around here. 


I think that one of the best things about Fall is all of the obvious changes in nature that you can see and feel all around you. Here in Kansas City we are fortunate enough to get all four seasons and although Fall can sometimes be brief, we are a little obsessed with it. In KC October especially the temperatures drop and there can be a little chill in the air. The leaves start to change and entire roads are transformed into a rainbow of jewel tones and autumn blooms. Trees go from green to orange or from green to red to a deep burgundy. The leaves start to drop and frost sets in just a tad in the mornings. It's truly delightful. 

When we took these outfit photos the leaves were just starting to change and in just the few days since then they have turned even more colors at a crazy beautiful rate. I love watching them and appreciating them as they change. My boys and I have been going on walks collecting those leaves and admiring their beauty. We so appreciate those changes! So I was thinking this week about how we're similar to the Earth and those seasons and those trees. A change in the seasons is good and beautiful and one hundred percent normal. We need to change. We need to shed our skin. We need to grow and it's good. For me it's really easy to appreciate the beauty of change in nature but sometimes I struggle to see the beauty of it when I'm the one going through the changes. 
Have you ever felt that way?

 I know I have felt that way in the past, especially this year. I've really struggled with owning a lot of the changes that have happened in my life over the last few years up until now. In some ways I never expected my life to look like what is does right now in regards to a career and I didn't realize those fears were holding me back. But these last few weeks I've gotten really clear on what I want and being excited and owning where I am. I recently attended several conferences and had several experiences that changed how I think about change. They got me excited about the idea of change again. I'm excited to step out of my comfort zone again, to share more personal things again and I'm feeling more like myself than ever. 

So yes- Style Files are looking a little different this month, but blogging may look a little different from here on out too. I don't know exactly how things will continue to evolve, but that's okay. What's exciting is embracing the process of personal evolution. I'm excited to own where I'm at and the changes that have come and will always be coming. They really are a beautiful thing. 


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